Dolmenwood Factions: The Nag-Lord

night mare

Ever since my post about Faction Turns, I've been eager to showcase how I implemented this concept in my Dolmenwood game. In this post, I will delve into the Nag-Lord's goals, resources, and actions, offering a comprehensive view of how to integrate this menacing faction into your campaign. More factions will be covered in future posts.


I like to differentiate the goals using the Landmark, Hidden, Secret principle. Some goals might be pretty obvious to most other people and factions, while some require more knowledge about the faction's inner workings.


Usually, I tend to favor only three resources per faction. Although I didn't include the last item in my game, I've added it here to show you can mix it up if you want to. I also included some prompts for when the particular resource might find usage.


Here are some ideas to get you started. Remember, these plans will adapt based on your campaign narrative and the players' actions. Flexibility is key, so feel free to adjust or abandon tasks as needed. Typically, three active missions at a time work well, but adjust to your preference.


You should only have about three active actions, so pick and choose what sounds interesting. You can either pick the Mission ๐Ÿ“” or the Task ๐Ÿ“ to be active. You also need to add a progress clock to each action you choose. Tasks should have 1-2 segments, and Missions should have at least 4 or more.

See this previous post for a more detailed explanation.

Additional ideas could involve mustering more dark forces, dealing with the Drune and capturing the Tenkystone, fortifying the Valley of Wise Beast by constructing a fortress overlooking the valley, isolating and destroying Fort Vulgar, or spreading terror and increasing influence in other settlements.

Additional Notes

Potential Alliances

Few factions would willingly ally with the Nag-Lord, but the Hag is the most likely candidate. She can offer another stronghold for the Crookhorns in Hag's Addle and extend their reach to the Duchy. Additionally, she can provide a passage to Fairy and would likely desire the corruption of her sister's realm. In return, the Nag-Lord might help her expand her swampy domain or even free her from it.

Furthermore, the possibility exists to corrupt one or more of the Breggle Lords. This chance increases significantly if the Nag-Lord successfully deals with Prigwort and shifts focus southward.

I hope this helps you to flesh out the Nag-Lord faction a bit more in your game. If you have other implementations or interpretations of the goals, resources, and actions, please share!

#dolmenwood #faction turns #game prep