Bookmarks to great blog articles I liked.
Will update this occasionally. The design of this page may change as well.
- Bastionland: The ICI Doctrine: Information, Choice, Impact
- Bastionland: Decisive Combat
- DIY & dragons: Landmark, Hidden, Secret
- Luke Gearing: Against Incentive
- Traverse Fantasy: Bite-Sized Dungeons
- Sachagoat: Re-inventing the Wilderness: Part 1 - Introduction
- Sachagoat: Re-inventing the Wilderness: Part 2 - Paths
- Sachagoat: Re-inventing the Wilderness: Part 3 - Points of Interest
- Sachagoat: Re-inventing the Wilderness: Part 4 - Borders (+Trailblazing)
- Sachagoat: Re-inventing the Wilderness: Part 5 - Regions
- Sachagoat: Re-inventing the Wilderness: Part 6 - Landmarks
- Widdershins Wanderings: Cairn Crash Course
- Widdershins Wanderings: What Makes A Good Player-Facing Pointcrawl?
- Weird Wonder: Characters as Landmarks with Secrets
- Taskerland: Into the OSR: On Diegetic Advancement
- The Distillery: What is gold in an RPG? What is it in your game?
- Cavegirl's Game Stuff: Horrible Wounds in OSR games
- Liminal Horror: The Annotated Archive of Game Design Resources
- Vladar's Blog: Strict time records
- Vladar's Blog: Group Sync
- Vladar's Blog: Public Domain art preparation: monochrome
- Vladar's Blog: Public Domain art preparation: in color
- The Retired Adventurer: Managing a Living World Using Rumour Tables
- Gorgon Bones: On Hobby Best Practices
- Gorgon Bones: "Boring" Combat is Fine Actually
- Gorgon Bones: Play-by-Post Gaming - some notes and advice
- Root Devil: EPUBs for TTRPG Adventures
- Explorers Design: Design the Dungeon with Numbers
- Explorers Design: Grid System 101 (A Beginner's Glossary)
- Goblin Punch: Impact
- Goblin Punch: Hexcrawls Kinda Suck
- Goblin Punch: THE UNDERCLOCK: Fixing the Random Encounter
- Rise Up Comus: Interesting Social Situations, or the Discourse Post
- Rise Up Comus: "Social Combat" - How I run social challenges
- Silverarm Press: Why I use Point Crawls more than Hex Crawls
- Silverarm Press: A Web of Hooks: Quest Connections in a Sandbox Megadungeon Region
- Silverarm Press: Better Side Quests with the Therefore or But Principle
- Permanent Cranial Damage: hexcrawls ARE pathcrawls
- Permanent Cranial Damage: Errant Deep Dive #7: Downtime
- d9000 Patricks: Knave 2 Retrospective and Review
- Mazirian's Garden: Group Downtime Activities: Remembering the Dead
- Mazirian's Garden: Downtime: Home away from Home
- Mazirian's Garden: Further Thoughts on Downtime and the Campaign Arc
- All Dead Generations: So You Want to Build a Dungeon?
- Against the Wicked City: Meet the new boss: some thoughts on domain-level play
- Demogorgon: 25 Takes on Record of Lodoss War for DMs
- Dice in the North: Coins In the Dungeon
- Dice in the North: Torches vs Lanterns