Expanded Bestiary: Ants, Bats, and Bears


A bear having a friendly chat with a woman.

One of the features I appreciate most about Dolmenwood is the inclusion of detailed tables for every main entry in the Monster Book. These tables help to identify unique characteristics for each entity, preventing them from appearing too similar. Typically, there are tables for traits, encounters, and lairs, providing quick prompts on the encounter scenarios or the structures used for lairs. While some entries are generic, most are deeply ingrained in the setting and often feature interactions with other monsters, making each situation highly dynamic and engaging.

While major entries are well-detailed, lesser entries like mundane animals and everyday mortals often lack the same depth. These types also have a high chance of being encountered, which can pose a challenge if you've relied on the detailed entries before and find yourself unable to improvise quickly. However, this is an issue that can be resolved. In preparation for my own Dolmenwood game, I have started to expand and flesh out these lesser entries one at a time.

In this first installment, I will cover the first four entries of the animals listed in the Dolmenwood Monster Book, as you might have guessed from the title. Future posts will cover more creatures, and I will link these posts together as they are published. So, without further ado, let's delve into the expanded entries for Ants, Bats, and Bears!

Check out the other posts in this series here.

Ant, Giant


d6 Trait
1 Glossy, deep black exoskeleton.
2 Unusually large, serrated mandibles, capable of cutting through tree trunks.
3 Covered in a thick layer of dust from mining activities.
4 Emits a low, rumbling hum that can be felt through the grounds.
5 Each body segment has intricate, natural patterns resembling runes.
6 Emits faint, acrid scent repelling smaller woodland creatures and insects.


d4 Encounter
1 Constructing an elaborate tunnel entrance, carrying stones and soil in a coordinated effort.
2 Excavating an ancient, buried ruin, revealing long-lost carvings of frost elf origin.
3 Stumbling through the underbrush, wounded, leaving trails of ichor after getting separated from their colony.
4 Attacking an adventuring party (DMB p108) who are carrying a sack full of gold nuggets. The ants relentlessly follow them through thick underbrush, unfazed by any obstacle.


d4 Lair
1 A labyrinthine tunnel system, with phosphorescent moss providing eerie illuminat.
2 A vast cavern with high ceilings, where the ants have built a complex network of bridges and walkways from resin and plant fibers, suspended above a chasm filled with rushing water.
3 A vast hollowed-out tree stump leading to a chamber with embedded crystals in the walls, pulsating with arcane energy.
4 A hidden cavern behind a waterfall. The ants have repurposed the skeletal remains of a large beasts to support their structures.

Bat, Giant


d6 Trait
1 Eyes glow deeply red, visible even in complete darkness.
2 Fur is matted and tangled with twigs and leaves.
3 Emits a continuous, low-frequency hum that causes unease.
4 Second pair of smaller, vestigial wings.
5 Wings have a subtle, shimmering rainbow hue, visible only under moonlight.
6 Unusually long tail ending in a barbed tip.


d4 Encounter
1 Hanging from upside down from the branches of 1d3 treoweres (DMB p83), asleep and vulnerable. The trees are good friends with the bats and protect them during their sleep.
2 Waking up from slumber in a hollowed-out tree by a mischievous Woodgrue (DMB p94) playing its flute. The bats begin to circle the area trying to find the source of the disturbance.
3 Flying erratically, seemingly disoriented and distressed. The bats are being chased by 3d6 purple sprites (DMB p80) who are trying to capture and tame them.
4 Fluttering awkwardly on the ground, the bats have been ensnared in a hunter's trap meant for wolves and are trying to break free.


d4 Encounter
1 Flying in formation under the moonlight, hunting 1d4 panicked Talking Animals (DMB p82). They are ready to descend at any moment now.
2 Following a strange, ritualistic flight pattern around an old, twisted tree. The tree is adorned with hanging charms and talismans.
3 Accompanying a surface-dwelling Fomorian (DMB p41) to a nearby cave. The bats are domesticated and follow its commands.
4 Perched on a standing stone covered with luminescent moss. The bats glow in the dark when they fly away from their contact with the moss.

Bat, Vampire


d6 Trait
1 Extra row of needle-like teeth that glisten unnaturally.
2 Elongated ears that twitch constantly.
3 Exudes a faint, coppery scent, reminiscent of fresh blood.
4 Fangs that are covered in a faintly glowing ichor.
5 Fur is covered with patches of deep crimson, like dried blood.
6 Wings flap completely silently.


d4 Encounter
1 Roosting in the upper branches of a twisted oak, their forms almost indistinguishable from the shadows.
2 Sitting in covered cages on a wagon. A Merchant (DMB p111) accompanied by 1d6 guards (Level 1 Fighter—DMB p105) is transporting the bats to an eccentric noble who will pay good money for them.
3 Floundering on the ground and injured. A group of 2d4 cobbins (DMB p26) are cautiously approaching, debating whether to help the bats or drive them away.
4 Screeching angrily after being awakened by a group of 2d3 woodgrues (DMB p94). The woodgrues are still drunk from the previous day and are having a dare to see who can touch the most bats without waking them. Their loud intoxicated shouting and giggling are not helping.


d4 Encounter
1 Pursuing a frightened friar (DMB p106) through the forest. The friar clutches his holy symbol, hoping to repel the bats.
2 Drinking from a ritual bowl filled with dark, viscous liquid. A harridan (DMB p50) sits beside the bats, petting them and eagerly awaiting them to finish.
3 Emerging from hollowed trees and silently circling around a nearby glade. Only their glowing red eyes give away their presence.
4 Circling above a wounded breggle knight (longhorn—DMB p22), who is lying on the ground and crying out for help. The bats are drawn by the scent of blood seeping from the knight's armor.



d6 Trait
1 Patch of fur on the back that swirls in a spiral pattern.
2 Scar across the muzzle.
3 Brightly colored streaks running through the fur, like autumn leaves.
4 Distinctive notches in one ear.
5 Collar around the neck, with parts of a broken-off chain still attached.
6 Bald patch on the flank, revealing scarred skin.


d4 Encounter
1 Sleeping under the shade of an ancient oak, their breath slow and steady.
2 Munching on a fallen beehive, honey dripping from their jaws. An angry swarm of bees (insect swarm—DMB p115) is buzzing around the bears, helplessly trying to scare them off.
3 Rummaging through the camp of 1d3 anglers (DMB p110), attracted by the fish. The anglers are fishing nearby, unaware of their visitors.
4 Sitting around a table in a cottage, enjoying a freshly cooked meal. The bears speak Woldish and are well-mannered.


d4 Lair
1 A shallow pit dug into a hillside, camouflaged by thick underbrush and fallen branches.
2 A cave half-hidden by dense ivy, with the entrance marked by claw scratches.
3 A burrow beneath a knoll topped with a moss-covered standing stone, perpetually shrouded in mist.
4 A secluded den behind a cascading waterfall in a hidden glen, with mossy banks. The bears share this place with a Troll (DMB p84) who takes care of them.

#dolmenwood #expanded bestiary #tables