Dolmenwood Factions #05: House Guillefer

Petrus van Geldorp - De openbare school zonder hoofden

One of the sleeping nobles of House Guillefer.

Welcome to House Guillefer, a faction that avoids conflicts, shirks responsibilities, and plans to exit the mortal world. Let's explore what this means!

📌 This series explores the Dolmenwood Factions and how to utilize them with a Faction Turn Framework!

  1. The Nag-Lord
  2. The Cold Prince
  3. The Drune
  4. House Brackenwold
  5. House Guillefer
  6. House Harrowmoor
  7. House Hogwarsh
  8. House Mulbreck
  9. House Nodlock
  10. The Hag
  11. The Pluritine Church
  12. House Malbleat
  13. House Murkin
  14. House Ramius
  15. The Witches
  16. Ygraine Mordlin


House Guillefer is less detailed and doesn't come with predefined goals like other factions. Here are three goals that align with their interests, making them an intriguing addition. I like the idea of them appearing to others as aloof and dreamy individuals, but in reality, they are small, skilled players in intrigue who achieve their goals by outsmarting others and avoiding direct conflict. This approach dials back their whimsical nature slightly and differs from their portrayal in the book1. However, it is challenging to assign them actual goals if their only aim is to "just chill". Alternatively, you can exclude this faction from the Turns entirely and make them static observers on the sidelines.

✱ Info

Faction goals follow the Landmark, Hidden, Secret principle to determine what information outsiders have.

| 🐵 → Landmark | 🙈 → Hidden | 🙊 → Secret |


House Guillefer excels in political maneuvering, setting them apart from other houses. They are spymasters and information brokers, crucial for achieving their goals and avoiding entanglements.


House Guillefer’s actions support their ultimate goal: integrating their home into the fairy dreamlands of Hypnagogia.

✱ Info

For more details on Missions and Tasks, see Faction Turns. Remember, only three active actions should be maintained at any time.

| 📔 → Mission | 📝 → Task | 🕵️ → Agent |

Victor Cardell

A tall, slim human man in his forties, with neatly combed hair and piercing gray eyes. He wears an enigmatic smile and impeccably tailored, dark attire. As a trusted advisor and diplomat for House Guillefer, he possesses deep knowledge of Dolmenwood's political landscape.

Silas Stepwell

A mysterious man in his early thirties, with sharp features and slick-back hair. Usually dressed in well-tailored, dark clothing, he is often seen smoking a pipe. As an operative for House Guillefer, he is known for his efficiency and ambition.

Nancy Goodwin

An engaging woman with tousled auburn hair and lively green eyes. Known for her colorful attire and whimsical accessories, she was an orphan from Blackeswell who conned her way into House Guillefer's employ under the intrigued gaze of Lord Edwin Guillefer (DCB p59).

Further Thoughts

There are two main ways Lord Guillefer can achieve their ultimate goal. They could either solve the temporal curse in Meagre's Reach8 and please the Duke Who Cherishes Dreams9, allowing his realm to extend into the mortal world. Alternatively, they could discover the dimensional anomaly in Odd10 through their dealings with the Drune and collaborate to integrate the Hall of Sleep into Hypnagogia.

Getting rid of Blackeswell, even though it is mostly forgotten, is something the House would appreciate. Linking it with the adventure "The Fungus That Came to Blackeswell", which ultimately leads to its destruction11, could be intriguing. House Guillefer could be responsible behind the scenes, enabling Paronax and Klepp to conduct their experiments with the Myconom12. They might have planned to leak these experiments to the Church, hoping to hasten Blackeswell's decline13. This adds a sense of urgency, as the village's destruction becomes a ticking clock.

Though it's stated that Ygraine and House Guillefer are on good terms14, their spy network would likely monitor her closely. This could lead to various outcomes: sabotaging Ygraine's Nodal Stone15 to stop the temporal binding of Meagre's Reach, leveraging information with the Drune16 to potentially cause Ygraine's downfall, or helping Ygraine solve the curse and stabilize the village in the current timeline17.

Potential Allies

House Guillefer seeks reclusive alliances to achieve their goals. Here are potential allies:


Faction Turn Example - House Guillefer

House Guillefer suffers from the random action for each turn. Despite making good progress, they spread their efforts across multiple tasks. This means they might not progress missions as quickly as others but could eventually complete several missions in quick succession if nothing interferes. High risk, high reward. Personally, I like this approach, reflecting how I portray this House as careful planners.

I've not decided which route I will take with the House. Will they go down the ruthless road aligning with the Drune, try to convince Ygraine, or play multiple sides at once? My plan is once a critical mission or task is complete, like finding out about Ygraine's secret Nodal Stone, I will make a reaction roll and decide the outcome based on that.


I had a lot of fun with House Guillefer. They offer intriguing possibilities, being both a blank slate and hinting at interesting details in the book.

With this faction, you must choose between being a ruthless House that disregards friends and obligations or taking a longer, more cooperative path to achieve their goals. Either way, it will be fascinating to see how this influences the setting!

This is all for now about House Guillefer; next time, it will be House Harrowmoor!

  1. Human Nobility: The Dreaming Nobles of House Guillefer—DCB p56

  2. Human Nobility: Lord Edwin Guillefer—DCB p59

  3. Hex 1304: Sleep-Wardens—DCB p335

  4. Sleep-Wardens: Wands—DCB p335

  5. Odd: Ruler—DCB p166

  6. Blackeswell: Abandoned Buildings—DCB p124

  7. Hex 1802: Chateau Mauvess and the Dark Mirror—DCB p379

  8. Meagre's Reach: The Curse of Meagre's Reach—DCB p162

  9. The Duke Who Cherishes Dreams: Ygraine and Meagre's Reach—DCB p31

  10. Odd: Drifting into Fairy—DCB p166

  11. Introduction: Location and Connections—TFtctB p3

  12. Referee's Background: Experiments in Blackeswell—TFtctB p5

  13. Referee's Background: Holy Fire Approaches—TFtctB p5

  14. Ygraine and Factions: Lord Guillefer—DCB p85

  15. Ygraine Mordlin: Created the Hidden Nodal Phandrwyl—DCB p85

  16. The Drune's Schemes: Locate the Energy Disturbance on Ywyr—DCB p52

  17. Ygraine's Schemes: Root Meagre's Reach in the Present Day—DCB p85

#dolmenwood #faction turns #legwork