Dolmenwood Factions #01: The Nag-Lord

The Nightmare - Henry Fuseli

The Nag-Lord peaking through the curtains?

Ever since my post about Faction Turns, I've been eager to showcase how I implemented this concept in my Dolmenwood game. In this post, we'll delve into the Nag-Lord's goals, resources, and actions, providing a comprehensive view of how to integrate this menacing faction into your campaign. More factions will be covered in future posts.

📌 This series explores the Dolmenwood Factions and how to utilize them with a Faction Turn Framework!

  1. The Nag-Lord
  2. The Cold Prince
  3. The Drune
  4. House Brackenwold
  5. House Guillefer
  6. House Harrowmoor
  7. House Hogwarsh
  8. House Mulbreck
  9. House Nodlock
  10. The Hag
  11. The Pluritine Church
  12. House Malbleat
  13. House Murkin
  14. House Ramius
  15. The Witches
  16. Ygraine Mordlin


The Nag-Lord's goals are straightforward but multifaceted, driving conflict and tension throughout Dolmenwood. Expansion is the most obvious goal, directly clashing with most other factions. Additionally, the Nag-Lord aims to undermine the Church's authority, leading to a loss of faith among the people.

✱ Info

Faction goals follow the Landmark, Hidden, Secret principle to determine what information outsiders have.

| 🐵 → Landmark | 🙈 → Hidden | 🙊 → Secret |


Usually, I favor only three resources per faction. Although I didn't include the last item in my game, I've added it here to show you can mix it up if you want to. I also included some prompts for when the particular resource might be used.


Here are some ideas to get you started. Remember, these plans will adapt based on your campaign narrative and the players' actions. Flexibility is key, so feel free to adjust or abandon tasks as needed. Typically, three active missions at a time work well, but adjust to your preference.

✱ Info

For more details on Missions and Tasks, see Faction Turns. Remember, only three active actions should be maintained at any time.

| 📔 → Mission | 📝 → Task | 🕵️ → Agent |

Mommy Thornclaw

A grotesque ogress standing at 9 feet tall, with sickly green skin marred by warts and scars. Her long, tangled hair, streaked with grey, and piercing yellow eyes give her a terrifying presence. She dresses in tattered robes adorned with bones and trinkets from her victims. Charged by Atanuwë (DCB p45), she must raise the Atacorn Malwynok for its eventual journey to Fairy.

Rowena Blackbriar

A woman of intense charisma in her late thirties, with long, unkempt hair and green eyes that seem to look into one's soul. She dresses in homespun robes, giving her a humble yet messianic appearance. Once a rising star cleric of the Pluritine Church, she was ostracized due to political machinations. Now, she preaches apocalyptic visions in Prigwort, gaining a devoted following that secretly worships the Nag-Lord.

Gripe Nailer

A short but imposing crookhorn, standing at about 6 feet. His wiry frame is marked by battle scars, and his dark eyes gleam with cold intelligence. As a lieutenant under Captain Snarkscorn (DCB p46), he rose to prominence through tactical genius, though he harbors deep resentment towards his superior’s brutal methods.

Further Thoughts

Additional ideas could involve mustering more dark forces, dealing with the Drune and capturing the Tenkystone8, fortifying the Valley of Wise Beast by constructing a fortress overlooking the valley, isolating and destroying Fort Vulgar, or spreading terror and increasing influence in other settlements.

Potential Alliances

The Nag-Lord has a few potential allies:


Faction Turn Example - The Nag Lord

During my Dolmenwood campaign, the Nag-Lord had a slow start, failing to make progress in the first two turns. However, it managed to turn things around. The Nag-Lord is very focused on advancing towards Prigwort, so it decided to cause discord among its citizens by planning to kidnap Reverend Mother Smunk. The blockade of Fort Road followed. The Crookhorns plan to fortify there to gain access to Lake Longmere and send forces to Hag's Addle. The Hag managed to treat with the Nag-Lord via the Atacorn Ignormwm11 and will likely soon become allies.

The blockade occurred at a perfect time when the players had some downtime in Fort Vulgar. They experienced the consequences firsthand and decided to attack the encampment but only managed to take out a few Crookhorns. As a consequence, this got the attention of Captain Snarkscorn, who decided to check it out himself. The players trailed him on his way to the blockade and ambushed his retinue, actually managing to kill the Captain while most players died heroically during the effort.

This disrupted the Nag-Lord's plans significantly, and I decided they would skip the next Faction Turn to appoint a replacement. I will likely change a mission as well since the Crookhorns knew the attack came from Fort Vulgar, which they originally planned to ignore. Now they will deal with the Fort first before advancing their plans on Prigwort.


The Nag-Lord may seem like a typical villain faction, but there is much more to it. The Nag-Lord itself is a truly interesting being whose whims and cruelty can rival even the most seasoned fairy noble, and its minions follow a broad, diverse spectrum. Although the actions presented here don't reflect it much, you should keep this diversity in mind when players deal with them or when actions have consequences. Imagine if Prigwort got captured by the Nag-Lord's forces and it turned the city into a giant, gelatinous, bouncy castle!

I hope this helps you flesh out the Nag-Lord faction a bit more in your game. If you have other implementations or interpretations of the goals, resources, and actions, please share! Next time, we'll talk about the Cold Prince!

  1. Creatures and Factions—DMB p7

  2. Hex 0904: The Court of the Nag-Lord—DCB p287

  3. The Wider World: Religions—DCB p89

  4. Centaur—Bestial: Gifts of the Nag-Lord—DMB p24

  5. Atanuwë: Members and Organisation—DCB p44

  6. Fort Vulgar: The River Trade—DCB p146

  7. Human Nobility: Faction Overview House Harrowmoor—DCB p56

  8. Hex 0903: The Besieged Nodal—DCB p286

  9. The Hag's Schemes: Release From Her Bondage—DCB p83

  10. The Hag: The Hag's Schemes—DCB p83

  11. Hex 0807: Ignormwm's Cottage—DCB p278

#dolmenwood #faction turns #legwork