Dolmenwood Factions #08: House Mulbreck

James Gillray - An Excrescence; -a Fungus; -alias- a Toadstool upon a Dung-hill

Is this what Lord Mulbreck has become?

House Mulbreck is a faction that is often overlooked. Once a family of trade moguls, they have now fallen under the grip of fungal addiction, transforming into a potential major threat to Dolmenwood due to their ties with the Myconom.

📌 This series explores the Dolmenwood Factions and how to utilize them with a Faction Turn Framework!

  1. The Nag-Lord
  2. The Cold Prince
  3. The Drune
  4. House Brackenwold
  5. House Guillefer
  6. House Harrowmoor
  7. House Hogwarsh
  8. House Mulbreck
  9. House Nodlock
  10. The Hag
  11. The Pluritine Church
  12. House Malbleat
  13. House Murkin
  14. House Ramius
  15. The Witches
  16. Ygraine Mordlin


Like some other minor houses in Dolmenwood, House Mulbreck isn't a major part of the setting as written. I've expanded them significantly here, but if you prefer, you can skip this faction and use them as regular NPCs rather than a full-fledged faction.

To turn House Mulbreck into an active faction, they need well-defined goals. Addiction is a significant theme in their region—not only are the Mulbrecks seemingly addicted to moulds and fungi1, but Jollie Oistace, the leader of the Woodcutters' Encampment, also struggles with drug addiction2. Combining this with Lady Mulbreck's desire to maintain control of the Falls of Nyf3, I’ve concluded that House Mulbreck is involved in the illicit trade of illegal substances. This trade finances their wealth and drives their expansionist ambitions.

Their connection to the Myconom through Lord Mulbreck4 and the need to keep this alliance secret5 suggest they are working together—or more likely, that they serve the Myconom in some capacity. Only Lady Mulbreck is privy to this knowledge; even her sons are unaware of their father's fate and the power it grants them. These elements combined give House Mulbreck a dark motivation that will inevitably lead to conflict.

✱ Info

Faction goals follow the Landmark, Hidden, Secret principle to determine what information outsiders have.

| 🐵 → Landmark | 🙈 → Hidden | 🙊 → Secret |


House Mulbreck’s control over the river trade has made them extremely wealthy, a resource they wield with great influence. Their direct connection to the Myconom is equally crucial; losing this link would leave the faction scrambling, as their direction and guidance would be severed.


These actions outline the steps House Mulbreck is taking to achieve their goals, particularly their secret alliance with the Myconom. As their plans unfold, they will gradually attract the attention of other factions, but for now, they operate under the radar.

✱ Info

For more details on Missions and Tasks, see Faction Turns. Remember, only three active actions should be maintained at any time.

| 📔 → Mission | 📝 → Task | 🕵️ → Agent |

Lionel and Arthur Mulbreck

The eldest sons of Lady Mulbreck (DCB p61), identical twins. Both are tall and strikingly handsome, with long golden hair that sharply contrasts with the unnatural pallor of their skin and the eerie violet tracery of mycelia that spread through their bodies. Their exposure to the fungal spread has deepened their connection with each other, giving them a shared, almost telepathic understanding.

Rhea "Whisper" Belknap

A diminutive woman with a slight, unassuming presence. She has plain features, mousy brown hair pulled back into a single bun, and often wears nondescript practical clothes that allow her to blend into a crowd. Rhea has an uncanny ability to go unnoticed, slipping into places others can't and gathering information others miss. An independent contractor throughout Dolmenwood, her reputation precedes her in illicit circles. Originally from Castle Brackenwold, she was a good friend of One-Eyed Gil (DCB p135), who believes Rhea is dead and knows of "Whisper" by reputation but has not made the connection.

Treeve and Jowan Mulbreck

Twin sons of Lady Mulbreck (DCB p61), they are eerie and disconcerting figures, deeply affected by the fungal infestation that has taken hold of their family. Tall and gaunt, with greasy, unkempt hair and pale, sallow skin, the twins are often seen together. Their unsettling appearance is amplified by the faint, violet mycelia just beneath their skin. Despite their odd appearance, they are fiercely capable.

Further Thoughts

The Shantywood plot offers multiple outcomes depending on how things unfold. Once the mission is completed, I plan to use a reaction roll to determine the next steps. The potential paths are:

Another possible ploy is to wrest control of Dreg from House Malbleat. This could be attempted by occupying it and claiming it as their own, especially if Lord Malbleat is preoccupied with other threats like the Drune or House Ramius. After securing Shantywood Isle, this move becomes even more feasible for House Mulbreck. Alternatively, they could leverage their wealth, something House Hogwarsh greatly desires, to finance the Baron's ambitions, posing as wealthy patrons to gain control over Dreg and invite themselves into the High Wold.

House Mulbreck’s alliance with the Myconom will escalate if left unchecked. They operate quietly for now, but rumors and signs of their activities should begin to spread throughout the campaign, hinting at something sinister. Eventually, it may be too late to stop them as their plans come to fruition, leading to a regional crisis where fungal creatures—some violent—begin to appear across Dolmenwood.

This potential fungus zombie epidemic would be a major event, weakening the noble houses and creating chaos in the region. Forcing House Brackenwold and the Pluritine Church to act. One factor that could fast-track this outcome is the fall of Blackeswell13. The Mulbrecks will likely show great interest in Paronax’s studies14 if they have the opportunity to acquire them, offering exorbitant sums for such knowledge. However, this crisis is far from certain and will depend on how events unfold in the campaign.

Potential Alliances

House Mulbreck’s unique alliance with the Myconom sets them apart from other factions in Dolmenwood. This relationship makes them less inclined to seek out additional alliances, as their primary focus is on advancing the Myconom’s influence. However, there is potential for collaboration with the Mosslings under specific circumstances:


Faction Turn Example - House Mulbreck

Decent progress for House Mulbreck here. I'm a bit disappointed that they haven't kicked off the Shantywood mission yet—I really want to see what happens there—but it will eventually start. Maybe it's a good thing for the campaign overall, as it spaces out major events, giving the illusion of slight control. It would be very interesting to see a fungal epidemic breaking out at the same time that Prigwort falls to the Nag-Lord or the Cold Prince becomes a threat again. What will the factions do then, and how will this affect them? Not sure yet! But I will have a clearer picture when it happens.

My players visited the Woodcutters' Encampment and met Hagbard Sundiman, one of the characters hailed from there, but sadly that character has since died. They know a little about Jollie Oistace and the situation in the village. Perhaps next time they're in the area, the Mulbrecks will have already made their move, sparking their interest to investigate further!


I might have gone overboard with House Mulbreck, but the more I explored, the more connections I found. The fusion with the Myconom is intriguing because it integrates this fascinating entity into the faction landscape. It could stand alone, but through House Mulbreck, the two are elegantly intertwined.

The Shantywood Isle plot is another highlight. It deserves further development, particularly the mystery of the Man in the Mirror, which I’ll explore further as it becomes relevant in my game.

And with that, House Mulbreck bids farewell; next time, we’ll conclude the Human Nobility series with House Nodlock!

  1. Hex 1210: The Mycological Family—DCB p329

  2. Hex 1209: Jollie Oistace Landriman Pollard—DCB p328

  3. Lady Pulsephine Mulbreck: Desires—DCB p61

  4. Hex 1210: The Tunnels—DCB p329

  5. Human Nobilit: Fungal Deterioration of House Mulbreck—DCB p56

  6. Regions: Mulchgrove—DCB p11

  7. Wood Gods: The Myconom—DCB p38

  8. Hex 1112: The Wondrous Ship-Conveyor—DCB p319

  9. Madame Chandilore Shantywood: Desires—DCB p145

  10. Hagbard Sundiman: Desires—DCB p184

  11. Orbswallow: Conflict With Nutcaps—DCB p170

  12. Hex 1110: Myrrsian the Mutable—DCB p317

  13. Referee's Background: The Fungus Comes to Blackeswell—TFtCtB p5

  14. Referee's Background: Experiments in Blackeswell—TFtCtB p5

  15. Orbswallow: Religion—DCB p170

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