Dolmenwood Factions #14: House Ramius

Un théatre de titeres (marionnettes), a Astorga - Gustave Dore, 1874

A covert meeting of Ramius loyalists unfolds in the shadows of Lankshorn.

Lord Shadgore Ramius is a wise and respected leader, but his neighbors seek to remove him from power. As he vies for control of the High Wold, he must carefully execute his strategies to secure the barony.

📌 This series explores the Dolmenwood Factions and how to utilize them with a Faction Turn Framework!

  1. The Nag-Lord
  2. The Cold Prince
  3. The Drune
  4. House Brackenwold
  5. House Guillefer
  6. House Harrowmoor
  7. House Hogwarsh
  8. House Mulbreck
  9. House Nodlock
  10. The Hag
  11. The Pluritine Church
  12. House Malbleat
  13. House Murkin
  14. House Ramius
  15. The Witches
  16. Ygraine Mordlin


Determined to claim the Barony of the High Wold1, Lord Ramius seeks to secure his position. Frustrated by Baron Hogwarsh's incompetence and his scheming half-brother, Lord Malbleat, he seeks Duke Brackenwold's support to secure the Barony peacefully. However, he's prepared for war if necessary.

✱ Info

Faction goals follow the Landmark, Hidden, Secret principle to determine what information outsiders have.

| 🐵 → Landmark | 🙈 → Hidden | 🙊 → Secret |


House Ramius boasts resources that mirror Lord Shadgore's strategic achievements and ambitions. His well-trained military complements his tactical brilliance, and his reputation as a wise ruler5 has earned him widespread respect, including from Duke Brackenwold. Many in his former domain remain loyal, longing for his return.

Lord Ramius' resources and influence allow him to use Lord Nodlock as a pawn, keeping his hands clean while advancing his broader goals.


Strengthening ties with House Brackenwold and showcasing the issues in the High Wold is central to Lord Ramius' strategy. The Duke hasn't visited in over a decade, so Ramius plans to invite him for a seasonal retreat to build a relationship and secure favor. The mission is delicate, with an uncertain outcome.

At the same time, loyalists in Lankshorn are being readied for potential uprisings9, while capturing the Bicorne remains a key military goal, promising a significant advantage.

✱ Info

For more details on Missions and Tasks, see Faction Turns. Remember, only three active actions should be maintained at any time.

| 📔 → Mission | 📝 → Task | 🕵️ → Agent |

Nannigrew Ramius

A striking longhorn woman with a commanding presence. Her dark, glossy fur is meticulously groomed, and her spiraled horns are polished to perfection. She excels in navigating the subtleties of social politics, making her the ideal choice to manage relations between House Ramius and House Brackenwold. She maintains a casual correspondence with Duchess Ophelia (DCB p59), stemming from a past friendship with the Duchess's eldest daughter, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

Olligore Ramius

A tall, gaunt longhorn man with spiraled horns dulled by neglect and patchy dark-brown fur. His anxious, restless appearance reflects his constant struggle to prove himself. Despite sincere intentions, Olligore frequently sabotages his efforts due to insecurity, which has led to several failed operations. After being passed over as heir in favor of his sister, Berryld Ramius (DCB p233), Olligore spiraled into substance abuse. Now sober, he seeks redemption, working undercover in Lankshorn to support the loyalists.

Hrannid Ramius

A lean longhorn man with an awkward posture. His spiraled horns are well-maintained, but his patchy fur hints at neglect. Dressed in rich yet outdated clothing, Hrannid stands out in the family for his grand ideals but lacks the political savvy of his siblings. His delusions of grandeur often make him more of an embarrassment than an asset. Though ill-suited for the task, he has taken on capturing the Bicorne as a way to cement his legacy, focusing on spectacle while delegating the actual work to others.

Further Thoughts

Lord Ramius is a careful strategist, always planning for multiple outcomes. One key tactic is provoking the Drune to act against House Malbleat by staging false-flag operations or manipulating figures like Windore Hoblewort12. This forces Malbleat to divide attention between defense and the Drune, creating exploitable vulnerabilities.

The loyalists in Lankshorn will likely act when House Malbleat shows aggression or the Drune plan succeeds. Ideally, Ramius could step in as a "savior," boosting his reputation. Even if Malbleat prevails, the conflict would leave them weakened, giving Ramius future opportunities.

If Lord Nodlock falters, particularly under pressure from House Murkin13, Ramius may need to intervene directly. Should attempts to manipulate Red Gwen14 fail, direct negotiations with Lady Borrid15 could become necessary.

Capturing the Bicorne would be a significant military victory, inspiring further hunts for fairy creatures like the Frore Gryphus. Exploring Castle Everdusk's ice caverns16 could also uncover new magical creatures.

Ramius might seek alliances with Fairy Nobles like Duke Mai-Fleur via the Lethean Door17, or approach the Earl of Yellow or Queen Abyssinia through the Fairy Road at Skipping-A-Derry18. Though riskier, these alliances could shift the balance in his favor.

In a worst-case scenario, Ramius could consider a desperate marriage alliance between his daughter Berryld and Baron Hogwarsh1, despite resistance from both parties19. If all else fails, aligning with the Cold Prince might secure control of the High Wold in exchange for supporting the Frost Elves' return.

Potential Alliances

House Ramius has several possible alliances, though each comes with its own challenges and risks:


Faction Turn Example - House Ramius

In my campaign, House Ramius had a moderate start. Their main focus is gaining House Brackenwold's favor, crucial for securing the Barony. Strategically, the Duke's support is key to their long-term goals. Meanwhile, their attempt to capture the elusive Bicorne has hit snags. Hrannid's lack of concrete plans may be causing recruitment issues, or the right people are simply too rare. Either way, the hunt for the Bicorne is off to a slow start.

Despite these challenges, compared to other factions in the High Wold, House Ramius is holding steady for now.


House Ramius stands as a powerful force in the High Wold, led by the ambitious and strategic Lord Shadgore Ramius. While his goal is to claim the Barony without triggering civil war, rivalries with neighboring houses like Malbleat and Hogwarsh may force him into conflict.

It will be fascinating to see how House Ramius evolves. Can they achieve their ambitious goals? How would the High Wold change if Lord Ramius takes leadership? What would become of the house if Shadgore were removed from play? And what might unfold if he turns to the Cold Prince to aid in his return?

This concludes the High Wold factions. Next time we take a look at the secretive Witches!

  1. Lord Shadgore Ramius: Desires—DCB p65

  2. Hex 0708: The Hamlet of Shagsend: Lost/encounters—DCB p267

  3. Hex 0510: The Lair of the Bicorne—DCB p245

  4. Hex 0105: The Desmesne of the Frore Gryphus—DCB p194

  5. Lord Shadgore Ramius: Demeanour—DCB p65

  6. Lord Shadgore Ramius: Servants—DCB p65

  7. Hex 0910: The Jaunty Horn (Inn)—DCB p293

  8. Human Nobility: Lord Nodlock, Lackey of Lord Ramius—DCB p56

  9. Lankshorn: Unrest Brewing—DCB p156

  10. Hex 0412: Fannigrew Lockelope—DCB p235

  11. Armour and Weapons: Cold Iron Weapons—DPB p119

  12. Hex 0708: Windore Hoblewort—DCB p267

  13. Longhorn Nobility: Lord Murkin's Aggressions—DCB p62

  14. Hex 0311: Red Gwen—DCB p222

  15. Hex 0109: Lady Amone Borrid—DCB p198

  16. Hex 0410: Inside the Keep—DCB p233

  17. Hex 0209: The Lethean Door (Hidden)—DCB p209

  18. Fairy Roads: Skipping-A-Derry—DCB p29

  19. Hex 0410: Lady Berryld Ramius: Desires—DCB p233

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