Dolmenwood Factions #10: The Hag

The Seven Vices: Envy - Jacob Matham, 1593

The Hag, in one of her disguises, casually snacking on a mortal heart.

Powerful but confined to a small region, the Hag is a unique character full of potential. Let's explore how she plans to expand her influence and break free from her confinement!

📌 This series explores the Dolmenwood Factions and how to utilize them with a Faction Turn Framework!

  1. The Nag-Lord
  2. The Cold Prince
  3. The Drune
  4. House Brackenwold
  5. House Guillefer
  6. House Harrowmoor
  7. House Hogwarsh
  8. House Mulbreck
  9. House Nodlock
  10. The Hag
  11. The Pluritine Church
  12. House Malbleat
  13. House Murkin
  14. House Ramius
  15. The Witches
  16. Ygraine Mordlin


The Hag's goals are restricted by her magical bondage, confining her to her swampy domain until the curse is broken. Her best chance at freedom lies in an alliance with the Nag-Lord, who is currently the only one both capable and willing to help. She distrusts the Drune, fearing they will bind her to their will1, and older Witches benefit from her confinement, making them unlikely to assist2.

I've adjusted her goals so that she can still expand her influence without breaking the curse entirely. The geas only limits her to her swamp, but if the swamp grows, so does her domain. However, forming an alliance with the Nag-Lord remains her top priority and the fastest path to achieving her objectives.

Due to her secretive nature, she does not openly reveal her plans, so there is no Landmark goal for her.

✱ Info

Faction goals follow the Landmark, Hidden, Secret principle to determine what information outsiders have.

| đŸ” → Landmark | 🙈 → Hidden | 🙊 → Secret |


The Hag's reputation is known across Dolmenwood. Many stories tell of desperate souls seeking her aid, paying steep prices, and returning with their wishes granted—but they never speak of what they sacrificed.


Until the Hag secures the Nag-Lord’s favor, her main focus is expanding her swamp, with Dreg as her primary target.

✱ Info

For more details on Missions and Tasks, see Faction Turns. Remember, only three active actions should be maintained at any time.

| 📔 → Mission | 📝 → Task | đŸ•”ïž → Agent |

Brithra Wormwood—Witch (Eye of Limwdd)

A wiry woman with wild, straw-like hair and cold, calculating grey eyes. She dresses in simple robes adorned with wicker charms. Initially visited the Hag (DCB p82) for herbal advice, she was ensnared by subtle manipulation, her desire for revenge and knowledge making her susceptible to influence.


An animated lamppost carved from ancient, knotted wood with a soft flickering light. It hops around on its base with surprising agility, serving as the Hag’s (DCB p82) watchful observer within the swamp.

Further Thoughts

The plan to flood Dreg involves altering the terrain inside the swamp—drying riverbeds, forming stagnant pools, and diverting water. These activities may attract attention, either from player characters or Father Jymes Horsely7, who could attempt to raise the alarm, though without help, his warnings are likely go unheard.

Witches manipulating the land south of the swamp could also be discovered, but they work discreetly, so detection is less likely.

Once the terrain is ready, all that’s needed is bad weather and heavy rain. The flood will seem like a natural disaster, expanding the swamp and granting the Hag new territory to explore. If unopposed, she will prey on the unwary while maintaining a low profile.

As for the Nag-Lord, the Hag is eager to form an alliance. She can provide safe passage for its Crookhorns through Hag’s Addle, aiding its campaign against the Human Nobility8. Additionally, she could help divert tainted waters from Lake Longmere9 into her sister’s domain10 or allow passage for an Atacorn through the Fairy Door. Meanwhile, Ignormwm is planning an attack on Lankshorn11, though the Hag shows little interest in aiding this side plot.

Potential Alliances

The Hag has few allies because she trusts no one, and few trust her. However, there are a couple of potential alliances that could benefit her:


Faction Turn Example - The Hag

The Hag is making significant progress and is close to sealing an alliance with the Nag-Lord. This alliance will benefit both factions, enabling the Nag-Lord to expand their forces deeper into human-controlled territories. For the Hag, it brings her closer to breaking the curse. Her other missions, focused on flooding Dreg, are also progressing steadily. Once the alliance is secured, she may shift her focus to aiding the Nag-Lord while reducing her efforts to expand her domain.


The Hag is a compelling character—confined by a curse but wielding great power. At some point, players may seek her help to resolve urgent issues, making her an intriguing character to introduce into the campaign. They might even end up aiding in breaking her curse, knowingly or unknowingly.

The potential for a natural disaster that reshapes Dolmenwood is fascinating. What if Dreg floods, is rebuilt, and the Hag gains freedom to roam? What if settlements fall one by one to disasters and other factions' actions? The dangers in Dolmenwood could escalate dramatically.

That’s all for now. Next time, by request, we’ll look at the Pluritine Church!

  1. Drune: Occult Binding and Subjugation—DCB p52

  2. The Hag: The Hag and Factions—DCB p83

  3. The Hag: The Hag and Adventurers—DCB p83

  4. Hex 0908: The Hag's Hut—DCB p291

  5. The Hag's Schemes: Expand Her Swampy Dominion—DCB p83

  6. Hex 0807: Ignormwm's Cottage—DCB p278

  7. Woodcutters' Encampment: Father Jymes Horsely—DCB p185

  8. AtanuwĂ«'s Schemes: Become Ruler of All Dolmenwood—DCB p42

  9. Hex 0904: The Court of the Nag-Lord—DCB p287

  10. The Queen of Blackbirds: The Realm of Absynte—DCB p35

  11. Ignormwm: Desires—DCB p278

#dolmenwood #faction turns #legwork