Dolmenwood Factions #04: House Brackenwold

Geschichte der Wiener-Stadt u. Vorstädte - Bermann, Moriz

A typical knights' tourney in Castle Brackenwold.

In this post, I'll delve into the wheeling and dealing of House Brackenwold and the Duke. By treating each noble house as a distinct faction, my Dolmenwood campaign not only gains depth but also increases the total faction count to sixteen!

But enough preamble, let's find out what the Duke and his House have to offer!

📌 This series explores the Dolmenwood Factions and how to utilize them with a Faction Turn Framework!

  1. The Nag-Lord
  2. The Cold Prince
  3. The Drune
  4. House Brackenwold
  5. House Guillefer
  6. House Harrowmoor
  7. House Hogwarsh
  8. House Mulbreck
  9. House Nodlock
  10. The Hag
  11. The Pluritine Church
  12. House Malbleat
  13. House Murkin
  14. House Ramius
  15. The Witches
  16. Ygraine Mordlin


The Campaign Book outlines four goals for the Human Nobility, but I have merged "Expel the Nag-Lord" and "Root Out the Drune" into a broader goal of maintaining the Lordship of Dolmenwood. This will address all internal and external threats1. Additionally, I have added a secret goal tied to recent campaign events at my table, involving a fugitive magician linked to the Duke and the mysterious Oubliette in the Ducal Keep2.

✱ Info

Faction goals follow the Landmark, Hidden, Secret principle to determine what information outsiders have.

| 🐵 → Landmark | 🙈 → Hidden | 🙊 → Secret |


House Brackenwold has strong resources but relies on other factions to utilize them fully.


The Duke's secret goal of keeping the Oubliette hidden has been influenced by my players' actions, leading to a mission to apprehend the fugitive magician.

✱ Info

For more details on Missions and Tasks, see Faction Turns. Remember, only three active actions should be maintained at any time.

| 📔 → Mission | 📝 → Task | 🕵️ → Agent |

Marla Fench

A woman in her late forties with an unassuming appearance and short, graying hair. She usually dresses in modest, slightly rumpled clothing. Marla runs an investigation business in Castle Brackenwold, typically hired by nobles for discreet surveillance. Recently, Captain Merriman Bogle (DCB p131) enlisted her services with cryptic instructions and a hefty payment.

Dame Samara "Sam" Highgrime

A seasoned knight in her early fifties, with a striking presence and shoulder-length dark hair often tied back. She wears practical, well-maintained armor adorned with subtle insignia of her service to House Brackenwold. Her pragmatic advice is valued by both the Duke and Duchess, and she is often envied by Bishop Sanguine (DCB p69) for her influence.

Sir Baldric Underlow

An eccentric and meticulous knight in his late twenties, known for his rigid adherence to duty and protocol. His armor is impeccably maintained, gleaming with various symbols of rank and achievement. He is close to Sanctus Primus (DCB p71), whom he considers a true friend.

Further Thoughts

House Brackenwold has many opportunities to engage in various conflicts due to its goal of maintaining the lordship of Dolmenwood. Rather than defending against the Nag-Lord, they could take an offensive approach, aiming to push back the Crookhorns and eventually target the Nag-Lord itself. This strategy would require luck and powerful allies. If the Crookhorns start disrupting northern trade routes12 or pose a serious threat to Fort Vulgar or Prigwort, the Duke will likely escalate the conflict.

Other potential conflicts include the volatile situation in the High Wold13. If a civil war breaks out, the Duke will have to act, as would be the case if the Cold Prince resurfaces14.

To claim the Table Downs and Northern Scratch15, House Brackenwold will likely face the Nag-Lord again and possibly the Drune. Establishing a base of operations is crucial. Fort Vulgar could be expanded, and the route to Drigbolton16 secured, which involves traversing Nagwood territory and potentially restoring the ruined town of Midgewarrow17. Securing these areas could spur a campaign to expand north or northwest, relying on subduing the Crookhorns to prevent them from being a threat. If the Drune are affected by the expansion, they will likely try to stop it, though they may be content if it only goes northwards.

The situation with the Oubliette and the magician is specific to my campaign. The magician was secretly hired by the Duchess to solve the mystery of her daughter’s death18. She investigated the Oubliette, got caught, and escaped before sending word to the Duchess. She hid in the caves beneath Fog Lake, where my players found her and escorted her to Lankshorn. She then moved to High-Hankle to continue her investigation and find a way to notify the Duchess. If you want to adapt this for your campaign, you just need a fitting NPC with a reason to investigate the Oubliette and make them a fugitive.

Potential Alliances

House Brackenwold is already allied with the Church and commands the loyalty of other Noble Houses, providing a strong foundation. However, each house pursues its own interests, which can create challenges.


Faction Turn Example - House Brackenwold

In my campaign, the Duke is stretched thin. He considers the rising threat of the Nag-Lord serious and taxes the common folk, much to their grief, to prepare for the brewing conflict in Prigwort—something the people there and House Harrowmoor will surely appreciate. The effort was expedited after the Crookhorns blocked Fort Road.

The Duke discreetly hired outsiders to find the magician, as it was the only way he could handle the situation without attracting too much attention. Time will tell if this will fare well for him in the long run.

Interestingly, the favor for the Church has been attempted twice already, but both times the roll failed. Once could mean the knights were delayed or needed more time to gather their men. But twice? Perhaps the bond between the Church and House Brackenwold is not as strong as it seems!


House Brackenwold is a formidable force on paper, boasting significant military assets, an alliance with the Church, and the loyalty of other Noble Houses. However, their strength heavily relies on the cooperation of these factions, which can slow down their actions and lead to internal disputes. If the Duke's power is openly weakened, other lords and external forces may seize the opportunity, leading to turmoil in the human-controlled lands of Dolmenwood.

Conversely, a united front against a common enemy can forge strong alliances. House Brackenwold's expansion into other regions could lead to a more civilized and safer Dolmenwood, a worthy goal for a long-running campaign. However, this comes with the risk of Dolmenwood losing some of its magic and becoming more mundane.

I'd love to see House Brackenwold succeed and expand, creating new settlements and stabilizing the region. While it might mean Dolmenwood becomes more civilized and less magical, the journey towards it could provide a rich, long-term campaign experience.

I hope you found some ideas for your game on how to use House Brackenwold. As always, feel free to share your ideas and implementations!

Next time, I will take a look at the next noble family, House Guillefer!

  1. The Human Nobility's Schemes—DCB p56

  2. The Ducal Keep: The Oubliette—DCB p130

  3. Duke Thespian III of Brackenwold: Desires—DCB p58

  4. Duke Thespian III of Brackenwold: Servants—DCB p58

  5. Human Nobility: House Brackenwold and Its Vassals—DCB p56

  6. Regions: The Tithelands—DCB p12

  7. Faction Relationships: Human Nobility—DCB p79

  8. Prismist's Retreat—Incandescent Grottoes p43

  9. Hex 1207: Crystal Caves Around Fog Lake—DCB p326

  10. Hex 1309: Thirligrewe's Orchard—DCB p340

  11. Human Nobility: House Harrowmoor Harried by Atanuwë—DCB p56

  12. Fort Vulgar: The River Trade—DCB p146

  13. The Longhorn Nobility's Schemes: Vanquish Rival Longhorn Houses—DCB p62

  14. The Cold Prince: Desires—DCB p51

  15. The Human Nobility's Schemes: Claim the Wild Lands to the North—DCB p56

  16. Hex 0702: Drigbolton and the Oath House—DCB p261

  17. Hex 0703: The Ruins of Midgewarrow—DCB p262

  18. Duchess Ophelia of Brackenwold: Desires—DCB p59

  19. Lord Shadgore Ramius: Desires—DCB p65

  20. History: 850 Years Ago—DCB p17

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